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Smitten Definition of Smitten by MerriamWebster ~ By the late 18th century smitten was being used as a fullblown adjective with the meaning deeply affected with or struck by strong feelings of attraction affection or infatuation It continued and continues still to function as a past participle of smite as does smote Smote is however most often used as the past tense of smite
Smitten definition of smitten by The Free Dictionary ~ smit·ten smĭt′n v A past participle of smite smitten ˈsmɪtən vb a past participle of smite adj postpositive affected by love for smite smaɪt v smote smit•ten or smit smɪt or smote smit•ing 1 to strike or hit hard with or as if with the hand a stick or other weapon 2 to deliver or deal a blow by striking hard
Smitten Definition of Smitten at ~ Smitten definition struck as with a hard blow See more
smitten Dictionary Definition ~ Smitten means overwhelmed or struck by something usually love The way you light up every time the waiter comes over to your table it’s obvious you’re smitten with him Smitten is related to the verb smite which comes from the Old English smitan meaning “to hit strike beat”
SMITTEN meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary ~ ˈsmɪt̬ ə n having suddenly started to like or love something or someone very much The storys about a man smitten with love for his wifes cousin He was so smitten by her that he promised to move to Argentina to be near her
Smitten definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary ~ If you are smitten you find someone so attractive that you are or seem to be in love with them They were totally smitten with each other Synonyms infatuated charmed captivated beguiled More Synonyms of smitten 2
SMITTEN definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary ~ strongly influenced by someone or feeling the effects of something He’s clearly smitten with publicity Howard was smitten by her beauty Definition of smitten from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press
Urban Dictionary Smitten ~ Smitten unknown Pure uncontrollable excitingly overwhelming romantic thoughtsfeelings towards a certain someone brought forth and felt through the heart Usually the more you know about someone the easier it is to find yourself smitten over them Its more than a liking crush but less than love
Smitten Synonyms Smitten Antonyms ~ Synonyms for smitten at with free online thesaurus antonyms and definitions Find descriptive alternatives for smitten
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