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Occupational Stress in the Service Professions Maureen ~ Occupational Stress in the Service Professions introduces the reader to contemporary theoretical and research issues and then provides a comprehensive international review of a range of professions including nurses correctional officers police fire fighters volunteers academics the clergy and teachers
Occupational Stress in the Service Professions Taylor ~ Workers in the service industry face unique types and levels of stress and this problem is worsening Many workers and organizations are now recognizing work stress as a significant personal and organizational cost and seeing the need to evaluate a range of organizational issues that present psychosocial hazards to the workers
Occupational Stress in the Service Professions 1st ~ Occupational Stress in the Service Professions introduces the reader to contemporary theoretical and research issues and then provides a comprehensive international review of a range of professions including nurses correctional officers police fire fighters volunteers academics the clergy and teachers
Occupational Stress in the Service Professions CRC Press ~ Occupational Stress in the Service Professions introduces the reader to contemporary theoretical and research issues and then provides a comprehensive international review of a range of professions including nurses correctional officers police fire fighters volunteers academics the clergy and teachers
Occupational Stress in the Service Professions Helen R ~ Occupational Stress in the Service Professions introduces the reader to contemporary theoretical and research issues and provides a comprehensive international review of a range of professions including nurses correctional officers police fire fighters volunteers the clergy and teachers The book identifies the main sources of stress and the implications for intervention
Occupational Stress in the Service Professions by Maureen ~ This failure is corrected in this book on Occupational Stress in the Service Professions edited by Maureen Dollard Tony Winefield and Helen Winefield Focusing on professional groups as diverse as clergy and prostitutes correctional officers and general practitioners each chapter reviews the most recent literature about the service profession under study
Occupational stress in the service professions Book 2003 ~ Occupational Stress in the Service Professions introduces the reader to contemporary theoretical and research issues and then provides a comprehensive international review of a range of professions including nurses correctional officers police fire fighters prostitutes volunteers academics the clergy and teachers and identifies the main sources of stress for these specific occupation work groups and the implications for intervention
Teacher Stress Occupational Stress in the Service ~ DOI link for Occupational Stress in the Service Professions Occupational Stress in the Service Professions book Edited By Maureen Dollard Helen R Winefield Anthony H Winefield Edition 1st Edition First Published 2003 eBook Published 20 March 2003 Pub location London Imprint CRC Press
Occupational stress in the service professions eBook ~ Occupational stress in the service professions New York Taylor Francis 2003 DLC 2002040855 Material Type Document Internet resource Document Type Internet Resource Computer File All Authors Contributors Maureen F Dollard Anthony H Winefield Helen R Winefield
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