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How to survive an alligator attack Business Insider ~ American alligators have been around for over 150 million years since the age of the dinosaurs But alligators stuck around There are nearly 5 million alligators in the United States
American alligator ~ Unlike the American crocodile the American alligator can survive even in areas subjected to comparatively cool winters To survive the winter the alligator excavate a burrow in which it stays until spring Its metabolism is slowed down by the low temperature and the alligator can go without food for months living off its energy reserves
American alligator Smithsonians National Zoo ~ American alligators live about 50 years in the wild After they are 4 feet long alligators are safe from predators except humans and occasionally other alligators Once on the verge of extinction the American alligator has made a remarkable recovery due to strict conservation measures and extensive research
How Alligators Survive Freezing Winter Weather The Dodo ~ Alligators Do The Smartest Thing To Survive Freezing Winter American alligators have been in existence for more than 150 million years rare survivors from the time of the dinosaurs — so it’s fair to say they have this whole “staying alive” thing down pat
American Crocodile and Alligator Defenders of Wildlife ~ The American alligator has a large dark slightly rounded body and thick limbs The alligator uses its powerful tail to propel itself through water While alligators move very quickly in water they are generally slowmoving on land They can however move quickly for short distances
American Alligator Species Profile Everglades National ~ Dwindling populations of alligators were the result of hunting and loss of habitat and the American alligator was listed as an endangered species in 1967 under a law that preceded the Endangered Species Act of 1973 The number of alligators began to rebound when alligator farms opened and hunting was outlawed
Facts About Alligators Live Science ~ The American alligator lives in the southern United States from North Carolina to Texas according to the Smithsonian Zoo These gators can be found in slowmoving rivers ponds lakes and swamps
How Dangerous are American Alligators And Other Alligator ~ American alligators are found in the southeastern states – predominantly Florida and Louisiana but also in Georgia Alabama Mississippi the Carolinas and certain parts of Texas Arkansas and Oklahoma Within their range alligators will live practically anywhere there is water except the sea
American Alligator National Geographic ~ The American alligator is a rare success story of an endangered animal not only saved from extinction but now thriving State and federal protections habitat preservation efforts and reduced demand for alligator products have improved the species wild population to more than one million and growing today
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